Sunday, May 9, 2010

i hereby RENDER thee hopeless

Here is our answer to the render question "how shalt thou render?"

We experimented with different recipes and here's what we've come up with. We are using the concrete mixer for mixing.

External render of overall thickness average 50mm.
Coat 1 - Levelling coat- Earth render.
1/2 bucket Clay.
1 bucket Sand (high clay content).
15 handful (deepti size hands) of finely chopped straw particles.
water to suit required gooeyness.

Coat 2 - Middle Coat - Lime Render
1 bucket lime putty / lime waste
3 buckets Sand
water to suit required gooeyness

Coat 3 - Final Coat - Lime Render
1 bucket lime putty
3 buckets White Sand
water to suit required gooeyness
Lime wash to final external walls.
(Christian wants to add one more coat externally - a 'coat 2a' between coats 2 and 3. Still undergoing discussion.)

Internal render of overall average thickness 50mm.

Coat 1 - levelling coat
1 bucket lime waste
1 bucket Sand
1/10th bucket lime putty
water to suit required gooeyness

Coats 2 and 3 - middle and final coats
1 bucket lime putty
3 buckets sand
water to suit required gooeyness

Lime Wash to final internal walls.

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