Thursday, May 21, 2009

A lot of Dirt

This weekend was our first major task – Cut in an access slope at the entry from Hancock street. We designed a Twin side concrete retaining wall (bought the panels a couple of weeks ago).

Christian started digging out the existing retaining wall on Saturday. We hired the Concrete Taxi, which is a fantastic concept – a small volume of concrete delivered to your doorstep for small DIY insitu work. The concrete was to come out on Sunday afternoon at 2.00, so this time, we actually had a deadline. After a few hours of digging, we weren’t really getting anywhere so we made a few desperate phones calls to mates Anne, Dicko and Kris, who all landed up, eski’s + shovels et al, to contribute to the huge earth moving!

A dead tree was dead bang in the centre of our proposed stair – which had to be removed. Great effort by Dicko, who jumped up and down on it till it fell over!

The concrete taxi pulled up on time on Sunday, and believe it or not, we had the 3 huge holes for our concrete post foundation all dug and ready. The panels went in really smooth and it was only much later that we realised the wall had a kink in it - an angle.

We’ll call that creative license for now – it was fully intentional of course!

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